l2star.su Interlude x100

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Website: l2star.suPlay
Chronicles: Interlude
Type: First opening
Rate: x100
Status: Online
Online: 0
Votes: 0
Social Networks:
Added: 20/05/24
Adena: x80
Drop: x40
Spoil: x40
Raid Boss: x10
Epic Boss: x1
Quest: x20
Rare Crafting Chance: 15%
Knight's Epaulette: x50.

Server currency
Adena: The money of the world.
Gold Einhasad: Donation.

Obtaining professions from a professional manager in cities.
The GM-Shop is installed before the B grade.
Multi Mammon in the GM shop.
Teleport to catacombs, necropolises, dino.
A buffer is installed, all buffs are 2 hours long.The ability to create profiles of buffs, ViP buffers.
Endless SS.
36 slots for the buff.
Offline trading and crafting.
Disabling/Enabling the experience (.menu).
The weight limit is disabled
The chance of sharpening is 50%, with the help of blesses - 55%.
The maximum sharpening of weapons is +16, clothes, jewelry +14.
The maximum number of sub classes is 5, a sub class without a quest.
The cast time of the team / unstuck is 15 seconds.
TvT, CTF events with valuable prizes.
The quest for the nub is abbreviated (quest items in GM-Shope).
Respawn of all Raid Bosses by ofu
Flame of Splendor Barakiel - 2-3 hours.
4/5 lvl Ketra/Varka - 8-12 hours.
Rep. epik RB:
Queen Ant (lvl 40) -