FEGG.RU x100 MultiCraft

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Website: fegg.ruPlay
Chronicles: Interlude
Type: Multicraft
Rate: x100
Status: Online
Online: 1
Votes: 0
Social Networks:
Added: 20/05/24
Dear players,

We are pleased to welcome you to the launch of the new FEGG x100 server!

The server uses one of the best Java Interlude builds from the FEGG team.

This server is designed for fans of x100 rates with minor additions that affect the balance of things.

No fake bots, real online, no wipe.

The server will open on January 01, 2023 at 20:00 Moscow time


Lineage 2 Interlude (JAVA)

Server rates:

Exp: x100
Sp: x100
Adena: x80
Items: x40
Spoil: x40
Quests Drop: x30 (fixed number of items received for some quests)